Morning Everyone!
First off I want to apologize for my week long absence from my little blog. 4th year at University is hard and on top of all the insane schoolwork I've been doing this week I've unfortunately gotten sick and it's taking all my energy to get to class let alone work on my blog. I'm writing this post from bed and will be going back to sleep once it is published lol. Today I have a new to me brand to share with you, Animeniac Cosmetics! This is a Canadian nail polish line that is inspired by Anime, Magna, Comics, Gaming and Sci-Fi so that all the polishes are bold, vibrant, glittery and creative. I have 4 awesome polishes to share with you today so lets jump right in!
I have a bunch of pictures of these beauties so click through to see more!
First up is Animeniac Cosmetics Crash Landing over NCLA Tennis Anyone? This is a clear base with matte black and white shredded glitter. I think it was about a year ago that black shredded glitter became all the rage, and I am LOVING this black and white colour combination.
Black and white glitter goes with anything so there are endless bases that you can use with Crash Landing. As with all shredded glitter some pieces do tend to stick up so a few coats of top coat are always a good idea. This is 1 and a half coats of Crash Landing. I did have to do some placement to get the coverage that I wanted. The formula is a little on the thin side, so there is more base than glitter. It takes a little care in application, but I love the overall look so I think it's worth it.
Next up is Animeniac Cosmetics Geek Chic over Sally Hansen Ion. This is a clear base with a multitude of rainbow glitters. I know there are a million rainbow glitters out there, but what I really like about Geek Chic is the inclusion of red glitters. There are micro red, green and blue glitters as well as the larger glitters that make this a fuller coverage polish.
This is only one coat of Geek Chic. This is a thicker polish which lends itself to greater glitter coverage, so you only need to do one coat. It will dry a little bumpy because of this so make sure you use a thick top coat to smooth anything out.
Now we have Animeniac Cosmetics Giga Byte Me. This is a light grey jelly with dark grey glitters. This one is such a winner in my books! Grey is a super chic colour and I love the play of a grey jelly sandwich in a bottle.
This is a tad on the thick side so be careful in application. If you only wanted to do one coat of the glitter I would recommend a grey base. Other wise this was 2.5 coats. 2 coats would have done it, but I had a few small patches that weren't as covered as I would have liked so I went back and added a little polish in those areas. Since this is a thicker polish I would wait between coats so the bottom layer doesn't drag on you.
And finally we have my favourite polish that I swatched, Animeniac Cosmetics Electric Swayde over Essence Grey-t to Be Here. This is a clear base with slightly holo micro pink glitters and turquoise CIRCLE GLITTER. Circle glitter is a recent obsession in the nail polish world and I wish I could have a lot more of them in my collection. They are just way too freakin cool.
I originally wore this polish over a black creme, and it was quite dramatic, but I liked the overall look over the grey base a little more than black so that's what I'm showing you here. This was 2 coats. You could get away with one, but I always like a little more glitter on my nails so I went with 2. I absolutely love this colour combination and am stoked for another circle glitter to be part of my collection!
I'm really impressed with Animeniac Cosmetics as a brand. I think centering the whole brand around Geeky things is very cool and will appeal to a lot of people. Even if you're not into geeky things the polishes are awesome and they have an amazing selection beyond what I have shown here. I really encourage you to go here to check it out!
Each bottle is available here and sells for $12 for a full size 15mL bottle. Currently they only ship within Canada and the USA, so if you are outside of those countries, find a friend that can help you out ;) Make sure you follow Animeniac Cosmetics on twitter to keep up with all the latest news!
UPDATE: I have been provided with a special 25% off code for all of you! Upon checkout use the code SINCERELY25 to only pay 3/4 of the price!
What do you think of these polishes? Any of them catch your eye? Hope you are having a wonderful day and I am headed back to bed! Love you all!
